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The Last Country Houses
Aslet, Clive
Studies in Early Impressionism
Champa, Kermit
The Critical Historians of Art
Podro, Michael
The Aesthetic Experience: An Anthropologist Looks at the Visual Arts
Maquet, Jacques
Behind Closed Doors: At Home in Georgian England
Vickery, Amanda
Portrait of a woman in silk: Hidden histories of the british atlantic world.
Anishanslin, Zara
The return to Camelot: chivalry and the English gentleman
Girouard, Mark
A Country House Companion
Girouard, Mark
Indian Summer: Lutyens, Baker and Imperial Delhi
Irving, Robert
Hampton Court: a social and architectural history
Thurley, Simon
Household gods: The British and their possessions
Cohen, Deborah
Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill
Snodin, Michael
Rodin, Cynthia
Spectacular Flirtations: Viewing the actress in British art and theatre 1768-1820
Perry, Gill
The Cosmopolitan Interior: Liberalism and the British Home 1870-1914
Neiswander, Judith
Early Georgian Interiors
Cornforth, Roy
Matthew Boulton: Selling what all the world desires
Mason, Shena
Brilliant Effects
Pointon, Marcia
Life in the English Country House: A Social and Architectural History
Girouard, Mark
Robert Smythson &​ the Elizabethan country house
Girouard, Mark
John Channon & brass-inlaid furniture 1730-1760
Gilbert, Christopher
Murdoch, Tessa